In a fractured and divided society, how sweet it is to find unity and peace. We are reminded that true peace begins with God and works itself out in the life of the family of God. Will we prize unity? Do we protect and preserve? Are you prepared to pursue and promote?
What is Zion? Is she splendid or a scrapheap? This Psalm challenges our perceptions of the church, her purpose and place in God’s plans.
If God is sovereign, why is there so much rebellion in our world? Ajit takes us through Psalm 2 to explain God’s rule through His Son, Jesus Christ.
After weeks of lockdown we may be overly familiar with the failings and shortcomings of our earthly homes. Psalm 84 reminds us of the beauty and loveliness of God’s dwelling place. It is a home welcoming to all, especially those feeling their weakness, need and insignificance.
What makes you most happy and is it lasting? The Psalmist reminds us that true and lasting happiness is only found in the forgiveness experienced in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lockdown has many limitations but it also has one great benefit. It causes us to slow down, stop and consider. The Psalmist meditates on the eternal and everlasting nature of God and recognises the temporary nature of his existence. This is an invaluable lesson for those living a fast paced life and helps to give…
Ajit exhorts us to worship and praise God by reminding us of His goodness, His name is pleasant and He is merciful.
In this season of social isolation, you may feel forsaken and abandoned. This Psalm records the struggles of being alone but also triumph in restoration. We see this in King David’s life, but ultimately in the person and work of Jesus Christ as he died on the cross and was raised from the dead for…
Asaph has tried to live a faithful life but encounters many trials. This contrasts with those who selfishly live for themselves yet they enjoy much comfort and pleasure. What is the Psalmist to do? How are we to respond to this sense of unfairness? We are reminded to keep our eyes focused on our faithful…