The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, and has set apart biblically qualified men to lead each local congregation. In the New Testament, elders/pastors are to lead through preaching and pastoral care, whilst deacons serve through faithful stewardship and leading in practical ministries of mercy.


Michael Prodigalidad

Mike is fully supported by the church to serve as a Pastor/Elder, and is primarily responsible for preaching-teaching and the pastoral care of God’s people. He has post graduate degrees in theology, science and business, and spent a decade in medical research and commercial ventures before commencing full time ministry in 2010.

In addition to local church responsibilities, Mike is involved in other Christian ministries such as International Reformed Baptist Seminary (IRBS) and Reformers Bookshop, to assist the building up of the wider church in Australia and overseas.

Mike is married to Nicole and they have three sons.

David Roberts

As a Pastor/Elder, David is also involved in the regular preaching-teaching ministry of the church and caring for the members of SBC. He seeks to equip members to live faithful Christian lives and proclaim the gospel in their various roles and circumstances.

David has spent most of his working life in the building industry and is currently working as a consultant in his own business. David’s connection with SBC goes back to his great grandfather who was a founding member of the church back in 1901.

David is married to Bridget, and they have three adult children.

Joshua Ventura

Josh serves as a Pastor/Elder through preaching-teaching ministry, pastoral care of the church and encouraging evangelism. He has a desire to see people come to a saving knowledge of God and to see believers encouraged to grow in grace.

Prior to joining SBC, Josh was a surveyor in rural NSW, and then commenced full time studies at Moore Theological College in 2022.

Josh is married to Em, and they have five young sons.


Andrew Deligiorgakis, Peter Elmsly-Smith, Ken Greenhalgh & Shaadi Haddad