1 Samuel - The Coming of God's King (Page 2)

This book takes place around 1100-1000 BC, when the people of Israel were living in the Promised land but troubled by those around them, living in chaos and confusion.

The scattered tribes of Israel needed a king to deliver them from their enemies, unify them and to rule with stability & security. Whilst 1Samuel records how King David’s throne is established in Israel, it also points to the greater chosen King, Jesus Christ.

What makes a good King (1Sam9:1-27)

When Israel asked for a King like the nations, God gave them what they wanted. Saul is introduced as looking impressive but with underlying character faults which will haunt Israel in coming chapters. Thankfully, we are graciously given a King who may be unattractive to the world, but has a character pleasing in God’s sight.

God calls Samuel (1Sam3:1-21)

We are bombarded with messages and signs each day that demand a response. To keep our sanity, we ignore the spam and frivolous advertising. In this chapter we see God speaking to Samuel. This is not a message he can afford to miss. In fact, we see Samuel’s life transformed by the powerful Word of…