In some circles, it is hard to answer the question “What is a woman?” Thankfully, God’s Word is clear that women are female image bearers of God. Women are equal in identity, value and dignity but also have a high calling to help and to promote life.
There are many models of masculinity in the world but the Bible reminds us that all men found in Adam sin and fall short of the glory of God. The perfect God-Man, Jesus Christ, shows us what true mature manhood looks like. Are we men who lead through sacrificial service?
After God created humanity, he tasked them to be fruitful and multiply, fill and subdue the earth. He also placed man in a garden to work and keep it. What can we learn about the nature of work, difficulties and the gospel from these portions of the Bible?
God created humanity as male and female with equality, distinction and complementary roles. Unfortunately, the world has blurred and confused sex and gender, so people are questioning their identity, purpose and meaning. In this message, we see 3 lessons from Gen1:26-28 (difference, equality and necessity) and the importance of roles of headship and helping from…
Who am I? Where have I come from? Why am I here? These (and questions like them) are often asked but are rarely answered in a satisfactory, encouraging or consistent way. God’s Word speaks clearly about origins, purpose and meaning for humanity, and if we are to live well, we are to heed Scripture to…
David Cox helps us understand that when God speaks, He speaks graciously about His promised Son Jesus Christ.
This is the final message from our 2018 Genesis series. We may return to Genesis in the future, but for the moment, join us as we look at our identity “In Christ” in the book of Ephesians.