Have you ever felt attacked or persecuted? How have you responded and what questions do you ask? This chapter reminds us God is always in control and He provides for His children.
David reminds us that we can fall into one of two groups; lovers or haters of the King. Which camp do you fall into?
Everyone loves a battle where the underdog beats the bully. It can be inspiring and motivating to hear that if we believe enough, we can do it – we can become a hero. But this famous battle causes us to re evaluate who we are in the story. There’s only room for one hero. Can…
Halfway through 1Samuel, Israel are back to square one with a failed king. Do they cry out to God for a new king? No. Do they repent in sackcloth or ashes? No. Despite this, God gives them a new king because he is merciful and gracious.
It’s easy to be disappointed in leaders. This message shows us that leaders like Saul fail, just like we do. But how we respond to failures makes an eternal difference. Will we minimize our sin or make excuses for them, or will we turn by faith to God?
This message contrasts the life of faith exemplified by Jonathan and the foolish example of his father, Saul. We also see how faithful Jesus delivers us from our foolishness.